Old school Easter eggs.

First lab-grown hamburger gets full marks for 'mouth feel'

Well guys that is evolution. People like any other species has to adapt to alternatives if we want to survive. It might sound futuristic but that's the future i believe. The main thing - good nutrition. Think if something will go wrong, like nuclear world war or big stone from the sky? What about Africa and all the rest 3rd world country s? We won't need to give money all we need is to provide food. Its our future you want it or not ;)

For all the world it looked like those foodies were trying their hardest not to say what they thought about the frankenburger. This test-tube mush burger is the biggest advert for vegetarianism yet devised.

A brilliant achievement. This is humanity at its best. I am sure the squeamish among us are already imagining how this is definitely, positively, surely going to cause cancer/diabetes/AIDS..... And I for one will enjoy quietly chuckling at their paranoia.

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