
Hearts are no longer tender, they're Tinder. We're all worse off for it

I prefer mysterious silences myself. I once chatted to this woman online, and asked her to an innocuous social occasion on which others were present, to avoid anything too difficult. It all seemed ok, nothing unusual happened. Afterwards she immediately messaged me this long screed about how we were very clearly different people as though I'd declared undying love. I hadn't even indicated I wanted to ever talk to her again and certainly didn't fancy her. She seemed relatively normal before that though.

I'd never heard of Tinder, so I had to Google it (did I actually know anything before they invented Google? I'm starting to have doubts) and I think I get the gist. Possibly the issue is not the rapidity of being 'dropped', but the rapidity and superficiality with which the two are launched into the hook-up? You know, after a glance at a few photos and some text exchanges, you're suddenly in that pre-dating place, which, more traditionally, takes a bit longer to reach, through actual face-to-face interaction, deeper and longer exchanges whilst tentatively interpreting the signs to figure out whether you're actually even in the pre-dating zone at all.

I'm long gone from the game, but, I now realize, I often had a lot of things going on that I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing. Some women, being perfectly cheerful and giving, made my personal problems seem inexcusable. I'd retreat to some cave where I could work them out, saving her from my grief. The further back you go, the worse I was at expressing myself. If you suddenly don't hear from someone, you should imagine them dealing with problems having nothing to do with you really. They're probably afraid they might be bad for you because it's not enough you're good for them. Like the way you write, Ms Emery.

Totally disagree. Given the number of perfectly lovely and (to varying degrees) attractive professional people of both genders i know who are single and rarely meet anyone new, anything that gets my friends in contact with other single people is a good thing. The thought of all these nice people ending up alone and childless depresses me, particularly in light of the vast numbers of fairly dreadful people having lots of children.

Supposedly, Tinder is quite the rage in the olympic villages right now. Its turned what was always a hook-up atmosphere between fit young men and women in previous olympics into an outright meat market.

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